Thursday, October 9, 2008

derty vs greyscale markers

Arrgghh... i've been struggling with the technique(s?) greyscale markering requires. I tried doing several technical exercises -- spheres, other 3D objects -- and a portrait. All looked like pure and complete shit. I think they were so bad because i didn't realize you had to saturate the area being shaded... the hatching look i think is cool... kinda impressionist-like. That being said, I still haven't figured out how to do an entire drawing with it. So i did the saturation method and i have a drawing that isn't very good, but i'm proud that i am slowly conquering greyscale markers! HA! So, to exmplify the progress i am making, i'm uploading the shit drawings I did back in... August? July? i'm not sure... as well as the one i am kind of happy with. enjoy, my non-blog-readers.

In other news, i'm not drawing my old muse anymore for fear of the black stitches holding my heart together bursting open, allowing heartblood to flow out, ruining (or enhancing?) the drawing anyway.... oh, and killing me.

So! onto bigger and better things :D life is pretty damn good right now and though it took some time, i'm happy to be drawing again and hope to do a lot more. BLAM!

A terrible first attempt

Realizing i need technical practice...

I kinda like the hatching

One more try... you can see the frustration...

Alice, Crystal Castles

Monday, September 15, 2008

For her eyes only...

These drawings are taken from a journal of sorts addressed to somebody I used to know. I never intended on giving that journal to her, but in a heartbeat I did. I think I did it because I knew I'd written honestly (we all would if we thought nobody would ever read it...) and I knew we wouldn't be speaking for a long time.... Plus, all the entries were addressed to her.
Here are a couple drawings from that cahier.

Monday, September 8, 2008

written june 7 2008

i spoke to the sun today
from my lips to her ear
the words came out,
"deliver this, to someone west of here"

the message reads
'hello love, do you miss me
and my knocking at your door?'

but asking this is painful
for i'll always miss you more.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Broken hearts tessellate tonight

Haven't been drawing a whole lot lately... lameness really, and I have no excuse. But i've been experimenting with ink lately, doing what i think might be called 'ink sketches'. So below are a couple that I just did to play around.

Blind Contour with some ink thrown on top afterwards. The drip marks on the left side were unintentional, but then it seemed appropriate, so i added some gravitational force to extend them.

Started off blind, but then kind of wasn't... I was playing around with different pen strokes and media to apply the india ink on top.

Just for fun... this is the above drawing after messing around with it a bit on photoshop.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

They don't love you like I love you

sunday afternoon
(graphite and charcoal)

Monday, June 9, 2008


This piece is a series of paintings for an assignment on colour. There is a hidden message in the work. Your hint is this: it's in red and the phrase is 5 words long. It's not hard and not meant to be a puzzle... in fact, it's right in front of you.

From what? For what? (acrylic on canvas)

How the heart breaks

Below is a series of drawings of a single subject who inspired me to draw. They're all pretty self-explanatory... and none of these drawings do her justice.

Starts off as a muse

Kind of a shitty drawing
(ink and india ink)

Give me your eyes, i need sunshine

Getting out of hand

Kindly make you way to the exit pt. 1

Kindly make you way to the exit pt. 2

(chalk and charcoal)

(chalk and charcoal)

(chalk and charcoal)

beauty supreme
(graphite and charcoal)

The Mapping Project

This was an assignment for my drawing class, in which we had to 'map' anything we wanted. I mapped my body and its processes, past and present changes, etc. It is a life-sized tracing of my body. The tracing is my handwriting that goes the entire perimeter of my body. Done in ink on mayfair paper.

Full view

Closer view at the torso

A closer look at my he[art]

More drawings

self portrait make up assignment

i just drew this for fun

first crush (2)

first crush (1)

lenn and me being emo


Dark side of Plastic Bag Project

Light side of Plastic Bag Project

Plastic Bag Project

My Bedroom in Goldor Delorst in London, ON